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Sei qui: TWiki > UnlockTopic

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Topics get locked for some time (default is one hour) whenever a user edits, previews or saves a topic. This is to prevent simultaneous topic updates. There is a lock warning if another user tries to edit a topic while the lock is still on.

It is worth noting that all topic changes you do within the lock time will go into the same revision. In other words, if you find a mistake immediately after saving the topic, then TWiki will pretend that it never happened if you fix it within the topic lock time.

You can remove the lock by checking the "Release edit lock" checkbox in preview. This is a way to let other people know that you are done with your editing.


  • Please remember not to go back in your browser in case you checked the box and after that you decide to do more changes to the topic. Instead press the Edit link to re-edit your page.
  • The initial state of the checkbox can be set to on with the RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX preferences variable. See TWikiPreferences for more.
  • The time for which topics are locked is set in the lib/TWiki.cfg file property editLockTime.

TWiki.UnlockTopic r1.7 - 27 Aug 2021 - 05:45 - PeterThoeny
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