Welcome, TWikiGuest!

Welcome to TWiki! This is a TWikiSite (pronounced twee-kee site), a meeting place to work on common interests. Anyone can contribute using any web browser. TWiki looks like a normal Web site... except that it encourages contribution and editing of pages, questions, answers, comments and updates.

Mission: "TWiki is a leading-edge, web-based collaboration platform targeting the corporate intranet world. TWiki fosters information flow within an organization; lets distributed teams work together seamlessly and productively; and eliminates the one-webmaster syndrome of outdated intranet content."

"Wiki" systems are fundamentally editable web pages. It's a fun and useful way of communicating asynchronously over the web for many existing intranet and public Internet sites. TWiki is simple to learn and use. It aims to provide a transparent way for you to publish and exchange your ideas with others over the web.

How TWiki Works

  1. Browse. This is a site like other sites. Read and follow interesting links.
    • web: A TWikiSite is divided into webs, each one represents an area for collaboration. Your site has the following webs: Web attivi: Reteisi | Pmb
    • topic: Each web is made up of hyperlinked topics (TWikiTopics) that appear in your browser.
    • WebChanges: in each TWiki web to find what's new
  2. Write. Speak your mind! From your browser you can change or add to anything you see in a TWiki topic. Use regular text, HTML or TWikiShorthand. To contribute:
    • Create An Account. To be able to edit or write new content, you'll need to create an account for yourself. It's simple, and only takes a minute. TWikiRegistration This will also create your personal home page.
    • click Edit at the bottom of any topic and make your changes
    • click [ Preview Changes ] at the bottom to verify the topic (use your brower's Back button if necessary)
    • click [ Save Changes ]
  3. Don't worry! It can be scary at first to change "public" content. Please just try it. Revision control keeps all content, nothing is lost. For special cases, access control is available yet you may find you don't need it in most cases. You'll soon see how successful WikiCulture works in this kind of collaboration environment. This is new. Just try to relax.
  4. Experiment. Edit your personal page or visit the Sandbox web.
    1. Link. To link to another topic, start by editing an existing topic.
      • To create a link to an existing topic type its JoinCapitalizedWords name. WikiWords (two or more capitalized words run together) link automatically.
      • To create a link to a new topic, enter a newly UsedPhrase.
      • When previewing, the links show and "?" (question marks) are used to create topics.
      • Another way to create a topic is to type its WikiWord in the Go box or URL.
    2. Topic history. click Diffs at the bottom of a topic
    3. Attach files. click Attach to upload and attach any type of file.
  5. Organize. You can learn to use TWikiForms and FormattedSearches to include topic information - for example, classify pages by subject, status, or date.
  6. Learn more. TWikiTutorial is a 20-minute tour of TWiki essentials. ATasteOfTWiki is a short introduction training course for beginners. WikiReferences links to selected articles and books about Wiki technology and online collaboration.

Starting Points

TWiki Highlights

  • Web browser used to create and edit topics
  • Automatic linking HTML not required
  • Search topic names or full-text (regular expressions available)
  • Revision control for changes (who, what, when) for topics and attachments
  • Access control using users and groups
  • Email notification of topic changes
  • File attachments upload and download any file to any topic similar to email attachments
  • Warnings for simultaneous topic editing
  • Plug-in via TWiki's flexible architecture using templates, skins, plug-ins and add-ons to customize everything
  • Development active with growing set of features in TWiki releases and plug-ins
  • Strong community for support of users, administrators and developers
  • Read more about TWiki at http://TWiki.org/

Web Mappa del sito TWiki Usato per...
Main Home page del web Main Cerca nel web Main  Cambiamenti recenti nel webMain Ottieni la notifica dei cambiamenti nel web Main Benvenuto in TWiki... Utenti, Gruppi, Dipartimenti e categorie - visita questo spazio virtuale di lavoro. ...per avere una prima impressione delle possibilitą offerte da TWiki.
TWiki Home page del web TWiki Cerca nel web TWiki  Cambiamenti recenti nel webTWiki Ottieni la notifica dei cambiamenti nel web TWiki Benvenuto, Registrazione, e altri punti di partenza; storia di TWiki ; lo stile Wiki; tutta la documentazione... ...scopri i dettagli di TWiki, e come avviare il proprio sito (in inglese).
Know Home page del web Know Cerca nel web Know  Cambiamenti recenti nel webKnow Ottieni la notifica dei cambiamenti nel web Know Knowledge base set-up - Aggiungi una o piu`TWikiForms per l'organizzazione e la classificazione del contenuto. ...tutto quello che vorresti sapere, ma...
Reteisi Home page del web Reteisi Cerca nel web Reteisi  Cambiamenti recenti nel webReteisi Ottieni la notifica dei cambiamenti nel web Reteisi TWiki web del progetto ISI "Intranet Scolastiche Integrate" - home page ...partecipare allo sviluppo del progetto
Sandbox Home page del web Sandbox Cerca nel web Sandbox  Cambiamenti recenti nel webSandbox Ottieni la notifica dei cambiamenti nel web Sandbox Area di test Sandbox (cassetta della sabbia) completa di tutte le funzionalitą. ...sperimenta le possibilitą offerte da questo modo di costruire un web.
I vari web che compongono il sito sono identificati ciascuno da un colore diverso. Questa tabella viene automaticamente aggiornata in base alle WebPreferences dei singoli web. Contatta [email protected] se credi di aver bisogno di un'area separata per il tuo gruppo di lavoro. Vedi anche AdminTools.
Significato delle icone:   Home of web = Vai alla home page del web
Search web = Cerca nel web
  Cambiamenti recenti nel web = Vedi i cambiamenti recenti nel web
Ottieni la notifica dei cambiamenti = Sottoscrivi la notifica dei cambiamenti via e-mail

Revision: r1.24 - 18 Mar 2022 - 09:04 - PeterThoeny
TWiki > WelcomeGuest
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